New Books, My Time

Hey guys and girls 🙂 Me again. Just wanted to let you all know that I finished a new book today, Followers by Anna Davies (really short book, I recommend it!) and I also checked out Uglies and Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. I am super excited to start rereading those books, they’re some of my favorites. I also purchased the first Kingdom Keepers book on my iPod app called iBooks (check that out!), so be looking forward to new reviews, kay?

This is my first time on the internet today. Hopefully things aren’t going to be this busy in the future, but watch out in case I post a review pretty late. I’m trying to aim to post reviews about 6:00 or 6:30 Pacific Standard Time, but some days I might be busier than usual. Really sorry about that. I hope to see you guys tomorrow! 😀


Stay Crazy! 😉

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