My “Uglies” Story

As you may know already, the Uglies series is one of my favorite series ever. (It’s by Scott Westerfeld – Check him out here: Now, allow me to tell you the story of how I was reacquainted with the books.

Mariah’s “Uglies” Series Story

It all started last year, probably in late April or early May. I was in my school library, glancing around. As you may (or may not) know, my school library is absolutely TERRIBLE. The books are outdated and ripped. Only if there is nothing else on Earth may I give you permission to enter it’s doors. Well, I was in there (big surprise – yesterday was the first day I’d been in there since then!) and I just happened to see the spine of Uglies. I showed my friend, and told her I was going to check it out.

“No way,” she’d said, an amusing grin on her face. It was obvious she didn’t believe me, but she was wrong. I checked it out, and I was surprised how good it actually was! After I’d finished reading it, I checked out the entire rest of the series. I did all my book reports on the series, and by the time I’d finished reading the whole thing, the school year was already over.

Flash-forward to March 2014: I’d totally forgotten about the highly memorable series – instead I was catching up on Veronica Roth, John Green, and Marie Lu. I’d just finished publishing my post on TheCrazyBookshelf (my apologizing post, you can find it here: ) when my iPod buzzed with an email. I lifted it up, opened my Mail app, and wasn’t too surprised when I got an email from iBooks, one of my favorite apps. I got emails from them a lot, so I clicked it. One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing that little red circle above the app in my home screen, so I tapped the email so it would be marked as “Read.”

I scrolled to the bottom of the email, and a headline caught my eye: “For Fans of Divergent.” I’m a fan of that book, so I checked the books listed under. And there it was – Uglies. I downloaded a sample and vowed myself that I’d check it out from the library. The very next day, I went back to my school library and pulled it off the shelf.

And that’s my story of how I got the book. Now I’m going to review it in just a few weeks. Thanks for reading my super-long story!

There we go. Italics are officially OFF! I’m so used to seeing them now xD

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I really love all of you ❤


Stay Crazy! 🙂